Dr Alysia Blackham, 'Combatting age discrimination in employment: A comparison of Australian and UK legal limitations', presented at the Socio-Legal Studies Association conference, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, April 2017.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Recent Developments in Australian and New Zealand Age Discrimination Law’, invited keynote presentation delivered at the New Zealand Labour Law Society Conference, Christchurch, November 2017.
Dr Dominique Allen and Dr Alysia Blackham, 'Confidentiality and Settlement: Uncovering the Hidden Secrets of the Enforcement of Equality Law in Australia and the UK', presented at the Berkeley Comparative Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law Study Group Annual Conference, Melbourne Law School, June 2018.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Extending Working Lives for Older Workers’, presented at New Agency: Owning Your Future exhibition, RMIT University, September 2018.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Older Women Workers, Age Discrimination and Public Policy: A Perfect Storm for Inhibiting Workforce Participation?’, presented at the Economic and Social Participation Research Initiative Interdisciplinary Seminar Series, Public Policy & Women’s Workforce Participation, University of Melbourne, October 2018.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Why do claims fail? A failure analysis of employment age discrimination case law in Australia’, presented at the Ninth Biennial National Australian Labour Law Association Conference, Gold Coast, November 2018.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘The Persistence of Age Discrimination in Work: Is Individual Enforcement of Age Discrimination Law Still the Best Model for the Job?’, presented at the AIRAANZ Symposium on the Persistence of Inequity at Work: Examination of the Impact of almost 50 years of Anti-Discrimination and Equity Law, Policy and Practices, Macquarie University, November 2018.
Dr Alysia Blackham and Dr Dominique Allen, ‘The Emerging Importance of Transparency in Achieving Equality’, presented at the Berkeley Comparative Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law Study Group, Stockholm University, June 2019.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Pensions and the Modern Workforce’, presented at Pensions Law, Policy and Practice, UCL, June 2019.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Working at the Edges of Legal Protection: Equality Law and Youth Work Experience from a Comparative Perspective’, presented at the International Symposium on Internships/Traineeships, ILO, Geneva, July 2019.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘How well Does Age Discrimination Law Support Older Workers? An Empirical Study of Australian Case Law’, invited keynote presentation delivered at the International Conference on the Elderly’s Welfare, Kobe University, Japan, January 2020.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Women, Age Discrimination and Work: Where Have all the Cases Gone?’, Proceedings of Gender and Sexuality at Work: A Multidisciplinary Research and Engagement Conference, University of Melbourne, February 2020, pp 94–98.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Intersectional Gaps in the Legal Enforcement of Discrimination Law’, invited presentation to the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department Anti-Discrimination Law Workshop, 2020.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Development and Implementation of the Gender Equality Act 2020 (Vic)’, invited presentation to the South Australian Parliament briefing on the Gender Equality Bill 2020 (SA).
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Age Discrimination in a Pandemic: COVID-19 and Inequality at Work’, invited presentation to the Faculty Research Seminar Series, Melbourne Law School, 2020.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Can Positive Duties Improve the Workforce Experience of Older People?’, presented at the 53rd Australian Association of Gerontology Conference, 2020.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Enforcing Rights in Employment Tribunals: Insights from Age Discrimination Claims in a New “Dataset”’, presented at the Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, 2020.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Public Sector Equality Duties: The Future of Equality and Transparency? Lessons from the UK’, presented at Using Transparency to Achieve Equality, 2020.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Age Discrimination in Work: Nature, Challenges and Solutions’, presented at the CIPD Applied Research Conference, 2021.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Upending reliance on individual enforcement to address discrimination at work: avoidance and withdrawal behaviour as fundamental challenges to the regulatory framework’, presented at the Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, 2021.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Addressing Age Discrimination in Employment: Towards New Mechanisms for Enforcing Labour Norms’, presented at LLRN5, 2021.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Age Discrimination, Work and Collective Action’, presented at the 2021 CAWLS annual conference.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Organising to address age discrimination at work: moving beyond intergenerational tensions?’, presented at the International Labour Process Conference 2021.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘When Law and Data Collide: The Quantitative Gap to Conducting Mixed Methods Empirical Research in Law’, presented at Reflecting on Methodology in Empirical Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford and Cardiff, 2021.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Addressing Discrimination at Work: Avoidance, Withdrawal Behaviour and COVID-19’, presented at the BSA Annual Conference 2021: Remaking the Future, 2021.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Age Discrimination, Intersectionality and the Individual Enforcement Model: Limiting Access to Justice’, presented at the SLSA 2021 conference.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Emerging Issues for Age Equality Law: Covid-19 and Beyond’, presented at the Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand Conference 2021.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Collective Enforcement of Workplace Age Discrimination Law: A Panacea to the Individual Enforcement Model?’, presented at the Tenth Biennial National Australian Labour Law Association Conference, 2021.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘The Difficult Relationship between Federalism and Inequality: A Case Study of Australian Age Discrimination Law’, presented at the ANU Law 60th Anniversary Conference, Public Law and Inequality, Canberra, 2022.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Reimagining discrimination law: Towards a life course approach’, presented at Age(ing) Futures: Reimagining Age Equality at Work, Melbourne Law School, 2022.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Shifting the burden of proof: Addressing the limits of individual enforcement?’, presented at SLSA 2022, York.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Reforming Age Discrimination Law: Beyond Individual Enforcement’, presented at the I·CON Aus/NZ Constitutional Theory Group Plenary Conference, Canberra, 2022.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Healthy Ageing at Work’, presented at Hokkaido University and University of Melbourne, Virtual Conference on Healthy Ageing, 2022.
Dr Alysia Blackham, 'A Life Course Approach to Addressing Exponential Inequalities: Age, Gender, and COVID-19’, invited plenary presentation delivered at the Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality & Anti-Discrimination Law’s Annual 2022 Meeting, Hong Kong, 2022.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Life course Legislating? Contextualising Age Discrimination’, presented with Kat Riach at ESA RN01 Midterm Conference, Vienna, 2022.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Evolution for a Revolution: Challenging Legal Education and Scholarship through Empirical Research Methods’, presented at the Australasian Law Academics Association Conference 2022, Melbourne.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Remedies and Positive Duties’, presented at the ICON-S 2022 - Equal Rights Trust Forum - Protecting Minorities, 2022.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Digital Platforms and the Future of the Care Economy’, invited presentation at the Digital Government Festival, University of Melbourne, 2022.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Learning to Juggle: Progressing Your Career as an ECA’, invited keynote presentation delivered at the Australasian Law Academics Association 2022 Conference Early Career Day, Melbourne, 2022.
Dr Alysia Blackham, ‘Remedy without Reckoning? Critiquing the Enforcement of Age Discrimination Law’, presented at the Global Meeting on Law and Society, Lisbon, 2022.